You can feel free to create references to captions as soon as youve inserted the caption, but hold off on referencing a heading until youre fairly sure it wont move much. Headings and body text are fine for introductory information, but once you get into the meat of your subject, youll probably be using some tables and figures. If you voted for Hillary you will not read this nook. Choose the one you want to reference, and press Insert. Email Address: Barcode Number: . There are a few Word options that you should set to help yourself work better with the template. And yes you can return a car battery to OReillys. It is a roll of the dice that I can even pay for my parts! I was taken aback and asked him what he said to make sure I was not hearing things incorrectly. document.write('' + ending); This will automatically place you in the templates folder. the district manager dont like older help and made it very clear to me and others.