missing in serving homeless CalWORKs families who were working County human service departments along with community-based housing organizations have diligently .

Months when your clock is stopped will not count towards your WTW 24-Month Time Clock. friends, ended when a team from the Ventura County Human Services CalWORKs Homeless Assistance (HA) [State Program] Temporary HA Shelter Payments Permanent HA Housing Payment DPSS Housing Programs [County Programs] Temporary Homeless Assistance Program+14 Moving Assistance (MA) Emergency Assistance to Prevent Eviction (EAPE) 4-Month Rental Assistance (RA) Housing Relocation Program (HRP)

These services include outpatient treatment, intensive outpatient treatment, withdrawal management (detoxification), residential treatment and transitional/sober living environments. landlords, move-in assistance, temporary rental subsidies, provide temporary shelter, help with moving costs, short to medium term rental subsidies and wraparound case Utilizar el Sitio Web y/o sus Contenidos con fines o efectos ilcitos, ilegales, contrarios a lo establecido en el presente Aviso Legal, a la buena fe y al orden pblico, lesivos de los derechos e intereses del CFI o de terceros, o que de cualquier forma puedan daar, inutilizar o sobrecargar el Sitio Web o impedir la normal utilizacin o disfrute del mismo (expresamente se prohbe utilizar mecanismos, software o scripts en relacin con la utilizacin del Sitio Web y el copiado mediante tecnologas de buscador tipo "Robot/Crawler"). Californias cash aid program has been caught between the two ideologies. Moving Assistance (MA) Program You can get up to $2,000 to help you get permanent housing. Advocates say a federal rule is hindering that. Those rules touched off dramatic declines in families receiving public assistance and defined the nations cash aid system for a generation. We want to help you and your family secure housing and avoid homelessness. Counties and their partners know far more work lies ahead. The goal ofCalWORKsis to provide cash assistance and services to eligible needy San Benito County families, ultimately leading to sustainable self-reliance. He predicted the proposal would run into a cultural divide among county caseworkers, who are split on how rigid and rule-based welfare should be. Get a daily round-up of news on state issues with WhatMatters. When you call, follow the prompts for language choice and for CalWORKs. While many states slashed welfare rolls opting instead to use their federal grants on other programs California continued giving cash assistance. 4. The EBT cards the state uses to deliver financial assistance to low-income residents lack security features common to credit and debit cards. Under the proposed state changes, recipients would gain greater flexibility to participate in activities such as going to school, domestic violence counseling, addiction treatment or mental health care. Authorization and referral to intensive alcohol and drug treatment if needed. The CalWORKs program created a three stage child care system to aid families in getting connected to local child care resources. The Just six months into implementing the CalWORKs Housing Support Program, counties and their partners are serving more than 2,200 families by offering an array of flexible services to secure permanent homes and help them start rebuilding their lives. The seat of the department is in La Cocha. The Adoptions Assistance Program helps to alleviate this added expense. The purpose of Project Roomkey is to provide non-congregate sheltering for people experiencing homelessness, to protect human life, and minimize strain on health care system capacity. Asm. (916) 874-3100 or This section has een renumbered b from CalWORKs Program Guide (CPG) section 44-200.H to 44-200.F. CalWORKs participants may be eligible to obtain assistance with permanent and temporary housing, help with moving costs, eviction prevention, and case management. Advocates and social workers say CalWORKs is far from effective at giving people who must work or search for work a stable, long-term path out of poverty. When you call, follow the prompts for language choice and for CalWORKs. HA can help you get money for temporary and permanent housing. 2015-16 State Budget proposal to expand the program by $30 home to bathe in and prepare meals? said Frank Mecca, CWDA Statement of Cash Aid Applicant / Recipient and Unrelated Adult (CW 71) CalWORKs Download. Housing Department PCG's Housing Department supports the CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HSP) and the Family Stabilization (FS) Program for the Central, East, and South Regions of San Diego County.

Its estimated an additional 10,350 homeless children in The Housing Support Program (HSP) is available for eligible CalWORKs recipients living in Sacramento County. The DPSS Housing Program offers a number of benefits and services designed to assist CalWORKs families who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness to move out of the current housing crisis into affordable permanent housing. The proposal, estimated to cost $100 million, also would lessen financial penalties if recipients violate work rules. For families who are CalWORKs eligible, there may be homeless assistance available. Support Program permanent homes and help them start rebuilding their lives. About the Program Teen parents who participate in the Cal-Learn program can expect to participate in an assessment with a Cal-Learn case manager to determine what services and support are needed to ensure educational goals are met. click here. Cash assistance Homeless assistance Eligibility Requirements- At times, families in San Benito County may be facing housing uncertainty. Congress debt limit deal could curb that. Desiree and her sister are thankful for

Your call will be answered by a worker who is there to help you.

.recentcomments a{display:inline !important;padding:0 !important;margin:0 !important;} CalWORKs HA can provide payments for temporary shelter for img.emoji { The CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HSP) assists homeless CalWORKs families in obtaining permanent housing, and can provide temporary shelter, help with moving costs, short to medium term rental subsidies and wraparound case management. Como usuario del Sitio Web del Consejo Federal de Inversiones (http://www.cfi.org.ar) usted tiene derecho a saber que se reconocen y respetan sus derechos fundamentales a la proteccin de los datos personales, su derecho a la informacin, a la actualizacin, supresin y /o rectificacin y a la confidencialidad de sus datos. DHA staff processes applications and maintains continuing cases for 26 Northern California counties,including Sacramento. vertical-align: -0.1em !important; Do not provide your account information by text or over the phone to unknown callers. Do you need a shelter or other place to stay for a short time? Families can apply for Temporary and/or Permanent HA at any CalWORKs office. Usted, en su carcter de usuario, determinar libre y voluntariamente si desea facilitar al Consejo Federal de Inversiones (CFI) los datos personales que se le puedan requerir con motivo de la suscripcin o alta en algunos de los servicios ofrecidos a travs de nuestro sitio Web. All rights reserved. The Department of Human Assistance offices are open to assist customers with appointments and with transactions that require an in-person visit, at a limited capacity. 4,500 families would be served by the expansion.See If the county determines the applicant is eligible for CalWORKs, the family will receive monthly benefits until determined ineligible. Report a Problem background: none !important; Families receiving cash aid are required to obtain immunizations for preschool children and school age children are required to attend school regularly. Dial 211 or (866) 559-4211 Evangel Home, Inc. offices are open to assist customers with appointments and with t. ransactions that require an in-person visit, at a limited capacity. Families with at least one child and both parents in the home where the principal wage earner is unemployed. John Bauters, Policy Director for Housing California. Sacramento County will not send text or email messages asking you to provide your account information. Are you homeless or about to lose your housing? You may be eligible if: you are a recipient of CalWORKs; you are homeless or at risk of eviction; Housing Support Program is a marriage of social services and CalWORKs HA can provide payments for temporary shelter for up to 16 days, as well as payments to secure or maintain housing, including a security deposit and last months rent, or up to two months of rent arrearages. Also known as Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), this program provides cash assistance for eligible families with children (time-limited for non-exempt adults). Some subscription websites are available for free at your local FamilySearch Center or Affiliate Library. (916) 651-5155, California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids Homeless Assistance Program: Final Regulations On The Removal Of The Consecutive Day Rule For Temporary Homeless Assistance Benefits, Copyright 2023 California Department of Social Services, 16 days of temporary shelter including hotel or motel costs ($85 per day for a family of four or fewer + $15 for each additional family member, up to $145 daily). Homeless assistance does not have income or resource limits. Anyone who answers the Medi-CalFresh Service Center line can help you immediately.

Las que fueran sospechosas de encontrarse relacionadas con cualquier tipo de actividad delictiva, ilegal o punible.

Deber realizar la conexin (hipervnculo) a la Pgina Principal del Sitio Web. Es por ello que lo invitamos a leer atentamente las siguientes lneas, referidas a nuestra Poltica de Privacidad. Contact Us For those subject to them, the state in 2012 created a more flexible list of activities beyond the strict federal definitions of work. A travs del llenado de formularios en lnea, que el usuario no queda obligado a contestar, salvo para aquellos casos en que implica una condicin para la recepcin del servicio solicitado. You do not need a bank account to use EBT. Cmo se protege la informacin? CDSS Housing and Homelessness Branch Will California sidestep federal work first welfare rules? The family may ask for immediate help if it has little or no cash and needs emergency housing, food, utilities, clothing, or medical care. Approved Restaurant List (Spanish) |. Your call will be answered by a worker who is there to help you. FasterServices. 1100 K Street, Suite 101,Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) A Congressional Budget Office review this year found a substantial increase since the 1990s in single mothers who have no income from either work or cash aid. You have to meet all of the following: o You get or are eligible for CalWORKS. CalWORKs: temporary shelter and permanent housing benefits. applicants, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Welfare and Institutions Code 11450. benefit programs, while also providing housing supports. Los datos personales recogidos por el Consejo Federal de Inversiones sern objeto de tratamiento e incorporados en los correspondientes archivos de datos de carcter personal de los que el Consejo Federal de Inversiones ser nico titular y responsable. partners say the program is the critical link that had been Medi-Cal: Medi-Cal programs provide no-cost or low-cost health insurance for adults who are aged (65 years or older), blind, disabled, pregnant, or in a long-term facility; for children who are under 21 years of age; or for families with children including those who receive CalWORKs. Applicants who receive State public assistance need to identify their status as a CalWORKS recipient in the comments area on the application. County human services providers and their community The purpose of this handbook is to provide staff guidance on the issuance of temporary and permanent Homeless Assistance (HA). The Basic Eligibility Requirements for Kin-GAP are: Cal-Learn The Cal-Learn Program serves CalWORKs clients under the age of 19 years of age who are custodial parents or pregnant and who do not have a high school diploma or its equivalent. margin: 0 .07em !important; To access available information, first log into FamilySearch. housing that not only addresses the immediate needs of homeless Included in a recent state Assembly budget proposal, and in a bill the Assembly passed on Wednesday, is a plan to remake CalWORKs, the states federally funded cash welfare program that requires recipients to work or search for jobs using a list of approved activities. CalFresh clients only. Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula, a Fresno Democrat, and advocates are pushing a proposal that loosens many of the state rules in favor of a more individualized approach. Now You can learn more about the DPSS housing programs by viewing the CalWORKs Homeless Programs and Services for Families Fact Sheet. Las cookies contienen informacin relativa a los sitios Web que usted ha recorrido hasta llegar al sitio que envi la cookie a su PC, pero la nica informacin personal que una cookie archiva es la que usted mismo ha suministrado. The department of La Cocha has a population of approximately 19,000 people. The Stage One child care subsidy remains active until the participant's work activity becomes stable and then they are transferred to Stage Two.

Officials at the California Department of Social Services declined repeated requests for an interview about the states welfare policies. By knowing the facts about your Golden State Advantage Card, or Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Card, you can get ALL of your cash benefits each month and pay NO surcharges or transaction fees. Condiciones de Uso: las presentes condiciones. Dicho dato por ningn motivo ser publicado en el sitio ni utilizado para otros fines. La incorporacin en la base de datos y el tratamiento de los datos personales requieren que el usuario preste su consentimiento al Consejo Federal de Inversiones. Sacramento, CA 95814 Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Illustration by Miguel Gutierrez Jr., CalMatters; iStock, A Congressional Budget Office review this year, according to the California Budget and Policy Center, according to Californias Department of Social Services. offer to help them become self-sufficient., There is a growing understanding that solutions for families in Eligibility/For Whom HA assists CalWORKs recipients or CalWORKs eligible applicants, who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. While adopting a child is a very noble act, it can be quite expensive. A landmark federal law in 1996 began requiring each state to certify that certain percentages of cash aid recipients were working, or participating in a specific list of job search activities, for the state to continue receiving federal welfare grant dollars. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; Are you homeless or about to lose your housing? Recomendamos que peridicamente lea esta Poltica de Privacidad, lo que le permitir informarse de los cambios que en ella se produzcan. The family can turn to either CalWORKs or Kin-GAP for further funding. hard to find jobs and provide for their children by day but did CalWORKs Housing Assistance CalWORKs participants may be eligible to obtain assistance with permanent and temporary housing, help with moving costs, eviction prevention, and case management. You can find our submission guidelines here.

Dicho consentimiento se entender implcito cuando el usuario se registre o se suscriba a cualquiera de los servicios brindados en nuestro sitio Web.
Sacramento County Alcohol and Drug Services offers a variety of substance use disorder services to CalWORKs eligible beneficiaries. Usuario: Persona registrada en el Sitio Web, Solicitante persona fsica que tramita el alta como Usuario en nombre propio o de persona jurdica. 12. State figures show 45% of the people required to participate in work activities dont have a high school diploma. No obstante ello, el usuario debe ser consciente de que las medidas de seguridad en Internet no son inexpugnables. Servicios: Servicios ofrecidos y prestados por el CFI en el Sitio Web. (b=d([55356,56826,55356,56819],[55356,56826,8203,55356,56819]))&&(b=d([55356,57332,56128,56423,56128,56418,56128,56421,56128,56430,56128,56423,56128,56447],[55356,57332,8203,56128,56423,8203,56128,56418,8203,56128,56421,8203,56128,56430,8203,56128,56423,8203,56128,56447]),!b);case"emoji":return b=d([55358,56760,9792,65039],[55358,56760,8203,9792,65039]),!b}return!1}function f(a){var c=b.createElement("script");c.src=a,c.defer=c.type="text/javascript",b.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(c)}var g,h,i,j,k=b.createElement("canvas"),l=k.getContext&&k.getContext("2d");for(j=Array("flag","emoji"),c.supports={everything:!0,everythingExceptFlag:!0},i=0;i
Probation Department. Americas Job Center of California/EDD: 831-637-5627, Children and Adult Services:831-636-4190, Community Services Workforce andDevelopment:831-637-9293. This program not only provides eligible dependents with the incentive, but also the opportunity to pursue their goals. Program (HSP) provides assistance to CalWORKs families experiencing barriers to self-sufficiency due to homelessness or housing instability. Get a daily round-up of news. El Usuario acuerda indemnizar y defender al el CFI contra todas las demandas que se presenten contra su pgina web que puedan involucrar a este organismo. You may also access your benefits online ANYTIME atwww.mybenefitscalwin.orgor come in Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm. (HDAP). Usuario: Cualquier visitante que acceda, use o examine el sitio Web del CFI.

As ofAugust 21st, changeswere made to improve your CalWORKs customer experience. This post has been archived and may contain content that is out of date. Cul ser el procedimiento para la actualizacin de los datos? sector since he was elected to the legislature. year, and is again supporting CWDA and Housing Californias joint This handbook is being updated to include: The expansion of who is considered an eligible provider for the purpose of receiving HA payments, and The removal of the consecutive day rule for temporary HA. CalWORKs Housing Reproducir o copiar, distribuir, permitir el acceso del pblico a travs de cualquier modalidad de comunicacin pblica, transformar o modificar los contenidos del Sitio Web, a menos que se cuente con la autorizacin del titular de los correspondientes derechos o ello est legalmente permitido. Los usuarios podrn ejercitar los derechos de acceso, cancelacin, rectificacin y oposicin, contactndose con el Consejo Federal de Inversiones a travs del siguiente correo electrnico: politicadeprivacidad@cfired.org.ar. CalWORKs Download. } United Way Emergency Informational Services such as: Homeless Prevention Programs, Food & Shelter Assistance, Help with Landlord-Tenant Issues, Youth Parenting Resources, Legal Services Referrals and more. At the end of the WTW 24-month Time Clock period, you will have fewer choices of activities that count. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Eligible dependents are not required to pay "mandatory system wide" tuition and fees while attending either a California community college, a campus of the California State University (Cal State) system, or a campus of the University of California (UC) system. The Its a path other liberal states have taken, said Heather Hahn, a national expert at the Urban Institute. empowered to take advantage of job services and other supports we familys daily struggles to make ends meet disrupts a childs The

Informacin de contacto

Protective Services (APS) who are experiencing, or at imminent risk of experiencing, homelessness due to elder or DHA Veterans Services can assist you with the following: Available benefits are primarily from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), but we also assist in obtaining earned veterans' benefits from the State of California and local government entities. If the child cannot be returned home, a permanent solution must be sought. Lloyd Levine (ret. Copyright 2023 California Department of Social Services, M16-105 (8/08) - EBT Expedited Availability, M16-120B (6/11) - EBT Dormant Account: Suspend, M16-120C (8/08) - EBT Dormant Account: Reactivate, M16-325B (8/08) - EBT Exemption: Need Additional Facts, M16-325E (8/08) - Direct Deposit Cancellation, M16-505A (8/08) - Designated Alternate Cardholder, M16-505B (8/08) - Designated Alternate Cardholder Request: Need Additional Facts, M16-505D (8/08) - Designated Alternate Cardholder: Deny, M20-003 (7/01) - Duplicate Aid Match, Discontinue, M20-003A (7/01) - Duplicate Aid Match, Deny, M20-353C (6/98) - Penalty Applied to AU, Fraud Penalty, Change, M20-353D (6/98) - Penalty Applied to AU, Fraud Penalty, Approval, M20-353E (6/98) - Penalty Applied to AU, Fraud Penalty, Other, M20-353F (6/98) - Penalty Stops, Fraud Penalty, Change, M40-105 (11/14) - Failed to Provide SSN When Received or Failure to Cooperate, M40-105A (11/14) - Failed to provide SSN or proof of completed SSN Application, M40-105B (7/98) - Immunizations, Required Documentation, Change, M40-105C (11/14) - Notice Of Action - Immunizations, M40-105D (7/98) - School Attendance, Required Documentation, M40-105D1 (1/15) - Notice Of Action - School Attendance, M40-105E (2/15) - Notice Of Action - School Attendance, M40-105F (1/02) - Non-Cooperation of Added AU Member, M40-105G (1/02) - Failure to Cooperate, Discontinue, M40-105H (1/02) - Refusal to Cooperate, Discontinue, M40-105I (3/00) - Failure to Cooperate, Deny, M40-105J (3/00) - Refusal to Cooperate, Deny, M40-107 (6/11) - Addendum 1 - Child Support Collection For CalWORKs 48-Month Time Limit Exemption, M40-107 (4/21) - Addendum 1 - Child Support Collection For CalWORKs 60-Month Time Limit Exemption, M40-107 (6/11) - Addendum 2 - Child Support Collection For CalWORKs 48-Month Time Limit Exemption, M40-107 (4/21) - Addendum 2 - Child Support Collection For CalWORKs 60-Month Time Limit Exemption, M40-107A (11/02) - Time On Aid (no previous NOa issued), Other, M40-107A (4/21) - Time On Aid (no previous NOa issued), Other, M40-107B (6/11) - Time On Aid at Redetermination, M40-107B (4/21) - Time On Aid at Redetermination, M40-107C (10/19) - Time On Aid Between 42th and 46th Month, M40-107C1 (9/20) - Time on Aid Between 54th and 57th Month, M40-107D (10/19) - Time On Aid To Former CalWORKs Recipients, M40-107D (4/21) - Time On Aid To Former CalWORKs Recipients, M40-107E (4/04) - 60th Month On Aid, Change, M40-107F (6/11) - Extended Beyond48 Months of Aid, M40-107F (4/21) - Extended Beyond60 Months of Aid, M40-107F1 (6/11) - Extender Met After48th Month, M40-107F1 (4/21) - Extender Met After 60th Month, M40-107G (6/18) - 48th Month On Aid, Discontinue, M40-107G (1/22) - 60th Month On Aid, Discontinue- Use Starting May 1, 2022, M40-107H (11/02) - 60th Month On Aid - MFG child only, Change, M40-107I (7/22) - 60th Month On Aid, No eligible child, Discontinue, M40-107J (11/02) - Timed-Out Adult, Partial Approval, M40-107J (4/21) - Timed-Out Adult, Partial Approval, M40-107J1 (6/11) - Approval After48 Months on Aid, M40-107J1 (4/21) - Approval After60 Months on Aid, M40-107K (6/11) - Increase Grant due to TOA Adjustment, M40-107K (4/21) - Increase Grant due to TOA Adjustment, M40-118A (8/96) - Incomplete Statement of Facts Form for Mandatory AU Members, Deny, M40-118D (1/02) - Mandatory Filing Unit Members on Statement of Facts, Discontinue, M40-125A (9/00) - Restore After a CW7/CW7Q Discontinuance, Approve, M40-125B SAR (4/16) - Restore After a SAR7 Discontinuance, M40-125C SAR (4/16) - Incomplete Semi-Annual Report (SAR7) Denial of Restoration, M40-129B (11/09) - Full Payment -Approve, M40-129B1 (12/90) - Approval after Immediate Need Payment, Approve, M40-129C1 (12/90) - Received Aid Payment, Deny, M40-129D1 (11/14) - Procedural Requirements, Deny, M40-129D2 (12/90) - Procedural Requirements, Deny, M40-129D3 (12/90) - Procedural Requirements, Deny, M40-129D4 (9/00) - Procedural Requirements, Deny, M40-129D5 (11/14) - Failed to Provide Proof of SSN Application, Deny, M40-157A1 (5/91) - Incomplete Citizen/Alien Documentation, Approve, M40-157A4 (1/02) - Incomplete Citizenship/Noncitizenship Documentation, Discontinue, M40-171A (11/14) - Failure to Cooperate, Deny, M40-171B (5/91) - Refusal to Cooperate, Deny, M40-171D SAR (5/16) - Late SAR7/Restoration, M40-171M (7/87) - Not a California Resident, Deny, M40-181 (9/13) - SAWS 2 Redetermination Of Eligibility, M40-181A (11/14) - SAWS 2 Redetermination/Other Essential Information, M40-181C (4/87) - Balderas Reminder Notice, M40-181C SAR (9/13) - Notice Of Action - Balderas Reminder Notice, M40-181D (5/91) - No Completed Monthly Report at Restoration, Deny, M40-181E (11/14) - SAWS 2 PLUS Redetermination Immunizations/School Attendance, Change, M40-181F (7/22) - No Change at Redetermination, M40-195A (8/22)- ICTNotice Of Transfer, Sending, M40-195B (8/22) - ICT Notice Of Transfer, Receiving, M40-205 (10/01) - Failure to Cooperate with QC Review, Discontinue, M41-440F (6/98) - 100 Hour Work Rule, Deny, M41-450A (1/98) - Absent Parent in Uniformed Services, Deny, M42-101B (11/14) - Age and School Requirements, M42-101C (11/14) - Age and School Requirements, Discontinue, M42-207A (10/15) -Over Property Limit, Deny, M42-213F (1/02) - Property Not Sold, Discontinue, M42-221J (1/02) - Transfer w/out Fair Consideration, Discontinue, M42-221K (7/98) - Transfer w/out Fair Consideration, Suspend, M42-221L (4/00) - Transfer w/out Fair Consideration, Suspend, M42-221M (1/02) - Transfer w/out Fair Consideration, Discontinue, M42-431A4 (11/14) - No Eligible Noncitizen Status/Proof of Eligible Noncitizen Status, Discontinue, M42-769A (11/14) - Apply $100 Cal-Learn Penalty, M43-119E (1/98) - Some Members Needs Met, Change, M43-119G (11/14) - MissingSAR 72, Change, M43-119H (11/14) - MissingSAR 72, Discontinue, M43-119I (7/98) - Deemed Sponsor's Property and Family Property, Change, M43-119J (7/98) - Deemed Sponsor's Property, Change, M43-119K (7/98) - Deemed Sponsor's Property and Family Property, Deny, M43-119L (7/98) - Deemed Sponsor's Property, Deny, M43-119M (1/98) - Deemed Sponsor's Income, Change, M43-119O (1/02) - Deemed Sponsor's Property and Family Property, Discontinue, M43-119P (1/02) - Deemed Sponsor's Property, Discontinue, M44-113A (6/98) - Disallowance of Deductions, Change, M44-133D (6/98) - 18 Year Old, End of Deeming, Change, M44-133Q (6/98) - Minor Parent Income, Change, M44-133S (6/98) - Minor Parent, Financial Eligibility, Change, M44-133S (5/20) - Minor Parent, Financial Eligibility, Change, M44-133T (9/20) - Minor Parent, Financial Eligibility, Partial Approval, M44-207I SAR (4/16) - Financial Eligibility, M44-207J (6/98) - Financial Eligibility, Deny, M44-207K (1/02) - Financial Eligibility, Discontinue, M44-207K (5/20) Financial Eligibility, Discontinue, M44-207K1 (5/20) - Minor Parent, Financial Eligibility, M44-207L (6/98) - Financial Eligibility Test, Suspend, M44-207M (8/20) - Financial Eligibility, Deny, M44-211A (12/19) - Temporary Shelter and Permanent Housing, Approve, M44-211B (10/21) - Expanded Temporary HA For Applicants Fleeing DV, Approve, M44-211D (10/21) - Temporary Shelter And/Or Permanent Housing, M44-211L (7/01) - Pregnancy Special Needs, Change, M44-211M (1/02) - Pregnant Woman Only, Discontinue, M44-211N (9/21) - No Longer Pregnant, Change, M44-307A (11/15) - Voucher/Vendor Payment, Other, M44-307B (1/99) - Voucher/Vendor Payment, Change, M44-307C (7/98) - Voucher/Vendor Payment, Change, M44-315A (5/20) - $10 Minimum Payment, Change, M44-315A (8/21) - $10 Minimum Payment, Change, M44-315B (9/98) - ICT between Reg-1 and Reg-2 MAP Increase/Decrease, Change, M44-315C (4/09) - Notice of Action - Four Percent Grant Reduction, M44-316A (5/20) - Notice Of Action - Not Yet Changed, M44-316B (9/13) - Notice Of Action - Change In Income Over IRT, M44-316C (8/22) - Notice Of Action - No Change/Mid-Period Report Of Property, M44-316 SAR (9/13) - No Change/Mid-Period Reporting, M44-316C SAR (10/17) - No Change/Mid-Period Report of Property, M44-316D SAR (9/13) - Notice Of Action - Change In Income, M44-316E (10/16) - Mid-Period Change Due To The Death Of A Child, M44-340 (2/23) - Underpayment Adjustment, Approval, M44-340B (9/07) - Underpayment Adjustment, M44-340C (8/12) - Underpayment Adjustment, M44-350A (11/11) - Overpayment Adjustment, M44-350E (11/11) - Excess Property O/P and Adjustment (W/O Good Faith), M44-350F (11/11) - Excess Prop O/P (W/O Good Faith), M44-350G (11/11) - Excess Prop O/P Adjustment (With Good Faith), M44-350H (11/11) - Excess Prop O/P (With Good Faith), M44-350ISAR (9/13) - Notice Of Overpayment, M44-350K (11/21) -EBT Replacement Denial, M44-352A (11/11) - Notice of O/P and Demand, M44-401A (6/98) - Reduced Income Supplemental Payment, Approve, M44-401B (6/98) - Reduced Income Supplemental Payment, Deny, M81-215A (6/98) - Diversion Payment Provided, Deny, M81-215B (6/98) - Diversion Services Provided, Deny, M81-215D (6/98) - Diversion Repayment Stops, Change, M82-506 (6/98) - Failure to Cooperate, Change, M82-506a (6/98) - Failure to Cooperate, Partial Approval, M82-510 (6/02) - Failure to Cooperate, Change, M82-812 (4/04) - Family Reunification/Zero Grant, M82-820A (9/21) - No Eligible Person, Deny, M82-820B (1/02) - Application for Mandatory, AU Members, Discontinue, M82-820C (1/02) - Eligible Child Left Home, Discontinue, M82-820D (1/02) - No Longer Pregnant, Discontinue, M82-832B (2/99) - Fleeing Felons, Partial Approval, M82-832E (4/15) - Eligible Person Leaving AU, Change, M82-832F (4/15) - Eligible Person Leaving AU, Discontinue, M82-832G (6/18) - Eligible/Mandatory/Optional Person Leaving AU, M82-832H (10/20) - Child Does Not Meet Requirements (SB 380), M82-836A (8/91) - Unborn not eligible for aid, Deny, M89-110 (1/98) - Exemptions to MAP Reductions, Change - Exempt, M89-110A (1/98) - Exemptions to MAP Reductions, Change - Non-exempt, M89-110B (1/98) - Exemptions to MAP Reductions, Deny, M89-130 (1/02) - Restricted Account, Discontinue, M89-201 (11/96) - No Appropriate Living, Deny, M89-201A (11/99) - No Appropriate Living Arrangement or Allowable Exemption, Discontinue, MT42-101.2D (11/04) - Fry v. Saenz Lawsuit, Age Requirement, Change, MT42-101.2E (11/04) - Fry v. Saenz Lawsuit, Age Requirement, Discontinue, TEMP 44-111A (4/13) - Income Disregards Change, TEMP 44-350M (10/19) - Suspension Of Overpayment, TEMP 44-350N (10/19) - Suspend Overpayment Recovery, TEMP M40-107A (9/11) - CalWORKs 48-Month Time Limit Time On Aid (Unticking Months Due To Temporary Exemptions), TEMP M40-107E (4/11) - Change CalWORKs Time Limit 48th Month On Aid, TEMP M40-107G (4/11) -Discontinue CalWORKs Time Limit/Income Exceeds, TEMP M40-107H (4/11) - Change CalWORKs Time Limt 40th Month On Aid-MFG Child, TEMP M40-107I (4/11) - Discontinue CalWORKs Time Limit 48th Month On aid, No Eligible Child, TEMP M40-107J (4/11) - Partial Approval CalWORKs Time Limit Timed-Out Adult, TEMP W&I 11004i (10/19) - Notice Of Overpayment Discharge, TM44-315D (4/11) - 8 Percent Grant Reduction Change, TM44-315E (4/11) - Grant Reduction And Income Disregard Discontinue, TM44-315F (4/11) - Grant Reduction And Income, TM44-315G (12/13) - Law Change To MAP Levels, TM44-315H (9/14) - Law Change To MAP Levels, TM44-315I (8/16) - Law Change To MAP Levels, TM44-315K (7/19) - Law Change To MAP Levels, TM44-315L (7/21) -Law Change To MAP Levels, TM44-315M (7/22) - Law Change To MAP Levels, WI 10072A (11/21) - EBT Replacement Approval, WI 10072B (11/21) - EBT Replacement Review. 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